Friday, 27 July 2007

Morgat to River Odet (Via Raz de Seine) - 64 Miles

The beautiful River Odet


We got up at 5.30 a.m. – worse than going to work! We had a lovely calm anchorage. The sea was flat with no wind for the crossing through the Raz de Seine much to Roger’s disappointment and my relief. We had planned to stop at Audierne, but would have got there about 10.30 a.m., so we decided to press on to Benodet. We passed Benodet on the right bank and Saint Marine on the left bank, and continued about 6 miles up the River Odet under the Pont de Cornouaille, passing chateaux on the way. We went into a creek as far as we could (that is until we ran aground!) and then anchored in a small pool. We startled a kingfisher as we arrived but after that the herons and egrets seemed happy to continue fishing and ignore us.

We had tea in the cockpit but it started to rain so we put up the boom tent. It was lovely sitting watching the rain on the river while staying dry.

WILDLIFE: Kingfisher, Herons, Egrets



PRAWN POT CATCH: Something very big

It was a beautiful morning and the first thing I saw when I looked out was a heron fishing on the river bank. Roger pulled up the prawn pot and this must have been the biggest catch yet! It was so heavy, it broke the line and we lost the pot to the river.

We took the dinghy to Quimper, which is a beautiful Breton medieval city on the confluence of the River Steir and the River Odet. It has a beautiful cathedral and many half-timbered buildings. The Festival de Cornouialle was taking place and various celtic musical groups were performing in the square. We left about 3.30 p.m. after having lunch in a creperie. It was low tide and we had to row for a while as the engine kept touching bottom. We used the engine for about a mile when the engine stopped – Roger said it had run out of petrol – I had questioned before we left how long the tank would last, as the trip to Quimper was going to take over two hours there and back. I rowed for a while but it was getting harder and harder as the wind was against us and the tide had turned against us. We hailed some people in a passing rib who then gave us a lift back to our boat. The driver of the rib had a racing yacht and had gone to Kinsale in Ireland in July. The weather was so bad they had come back, stopping at the Scilly Isles about 13 July. We had been there between 11th and 14th July.

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