Thursday, 2 August 2007

Ile de Yeu to Les Sables d'Olonne - 31 Miles

La Chaume, Les Sables d'Olonne


It was a drizzly, grey morning – what happened to that Med feeling? We left about 12.00 p.m. having had a look around the town and done some shopping. Visibility was very poor, verging on fog at times, so radar and 'see me' were turned on for the first time since crossing the channel. We had a beam reach all the way and arrived at Les Sables d’Olonne about 4.30 p.m. Just as we arrived the visibility dropped as a shower came through. There were ferries going in and out of the harbour, with yachts and windsurfers in the entrance to add to the confusion. 

I was very disappointed that there was no welcoming crowd for us, as there was when Elen McArthur arrived after her solo round the world trip! Roger said I should have jumped up and down on the foredeck holding flares, crying ‘I couldn’t have done it without my shore crew!’ - so thanks to all our shore crew!


LES SABLES D’OLONNE MARINA FEES: 29.50 euros – 2 euros for showers.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading/seeing this... please keep updating blog...
am working on sending Nora/Diana letters...



Anonymous said...

Hi Both
I know I am a few years back.... but I had to comment on this. We arrived at Les Sables at the end of August 1999 and stayed there for nine months! We lived aboard, surviving the humungus hurricane two days before the Millennium.

The berthing fee was the equivalent of £2 per night including electricity and free showers. We made many friends there, and we were known as 'Les Galois' everywhere we went. We have been back there since several times in the motor home... once for the start of the 2004 Vendee Globe when returning to Guardamar Del Segura, near Alicante, where Bolero was berthed

Ah.... Happy memories! Good luck and Godspeed on your travels