Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Not the calmest of anchorages!

Not the calmest of Anchorages!



We spent the day at anchor, as it was too rough to go ashore in the dinghy, so we gave up the idea of going to Baiona. It was comfortable enough in the morning, but by the afternoon we were getting 28 knots of wind and Susannah was pulling hard on the anchor. Waves were breaking at the harbour entrance and on the beach – in fact surfers were surfing the harbour entrance! I was not a happy bunny and kept checking the anchor but the delta does seem very good. It had calmed down enough by evening for me to enjoy a game of boggle in the cockpit.


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Anonymous said...

Hello, Sheila and Roger.. looks like quite the adventure.. am looking forward to your next update.Where are you now? Any unexpected experiences?