Friday 12 June 2009

Calasetta to Malfatano, S. Sardinia - 49 Miles

Malfatano Anchorage


It was a lovely calm day, with a smooth sea, although there was a slight swell. We motor-sailed down the coast of Isola di Sant' Antioco and were approached by the Italian coastguard telling us there were military operations in the area and we had to go 5 miles out to sea around Capo Teulada – this added about 8 miles on to our journey! Not only that, as they passed behind us they managed to cut Roger’s fishing line with his hooks and ‘chinaman’ on! I’m sure replacing lost fishing tackle has been far more expensive than eating in the most expensive seafood restaurants! 

We arrived at Malfatano about 6.30 p.m. which is a beautiful unspoilt bay with a few campervans parked on the shore, and we spent the next day there at anchor.

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